
Sunday, August 30, 2015

6 TB SSD first hit stores in july

Fixstars Japanese company announced that its new SSD on 15nm technology and 2.5-inch with a capacity of 6TB will hit stores starting July this year. The product will not come cheap, as you can guess, but the company also offers versions with capacity and lower prices, but on 19nm technology.
The Japanese launch in July, SSDs 1000M, 3000M and 6000M and obviously the latter will be the most advanced of models. SSDs 1000M and 3000M Fixstar 2.5 inch 19nm MLC technology (Multi Level Cell) offer capacities of 1TB or 3TB, and read speeds of 540 MB / s and write of 500MB / s. 1000M weighs 87 grams, while the 3000M model is 10 grams heavier, according to official data Fixstar.
6000M model that provides 6TB  weighs identical like 3000M model (97 grams), the same size (100mm x 70mm x 9.5 mm), but is based on 15nm technology and provides a higher write speed – 520 MB / s face 500 MB / s 1000M and 3000M versions.
The price of the new “monster” of 6TB is not yet revealed, but you can get an idea of how it may cost after commercial launch in July, since -1000M- 1TB model will be priced at 820 dollars.

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