An American team researchers claims to have found a way to get data from remote computers that are not even connected to the internet
Some US security researchers have demonstrated that they can take control of standard components from computers, printers and millions of devices, the result being that hackers can get information from them, in the form of sound waves, writes Reuters. Reporting topic, CNN notes that can be successfully attacked computers are not even connected to the Internet, such as those from nuclear power plants.
Red Balloon Security, a startup New Yorker says he has found a way which different gadgets, from computers to home appliances “smart”, can be remote attacked without a trace. Given that, companies are investing millions of dollars for computer security, finding a way that can make all these measures unnecessary, costly that is truly remarkable.
The program of attack take control of the physical components of the circuits input / output and applies the selected frequency vibrations attackers. The vibrations can be detected nearby, with an AM radio antenna. In recent decades, both intelligence agencies, and various researchers have looked for innovative ways to extract information from keyboards and other peripherals, successfully managed to capture light, heat and other “emanations” that allow recipients to reconstruct big content measured.
New antenna transmitters, called Funtenna by researcher Ang Cui from Red Balloon Security adds another potential channel that would otherwise be difficult to detect, because no remaining record traffic would not “catch” the data who leave terminals. Ang Cui introduced the system in front of reporters before the official presentation at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, promising that after the speech code will present “proof-of-concept ‘that will allow other researchers or hackers take advantage of technology.
Hackers would need an antenna near the target building to detect sound waves and will have to find a way to target the access terminal to convert search data in the right format for transmission. But the development of this “tool” for the past two years is another proof that the terminals can be manipulated on unpredictable ways and increasing their advantage for the fight between attackers and defenders, amid of the increasing complexity of gadgets, writes Reuters.