
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Google France forced to notify visitors of €150,000 privacy policy fine

Google has been shamed and forced by the authorities in France to publish on the first page of its search engine a message that informs the public about the fine of 150,000 euros received in this country for violation of privacy of users.
French Data Protection Authority, Commission Naţionale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), after an investigation determined that Google violated the rights of users in new privacy policy.
Google has announced it will appeal the French authorities decision. Google have similar problems in other European countries such as Britain, Italy, Germany or the Netherlands, where it is under investigation.
French Committee who led the investigation decided that Google doesn’t offer to it’s users enough control over personal information.
Google asked a French court to postpone publication of the message on the opening page as it “affects the reputation irreparably.” The postponement was not approved, and the message was posted Sunday, February 9.

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