
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Microsoft is preparing a smart watch with a battery better than competitors

New gadgets come on the market, which is at the beginning, but enjoys the presence of big names such as Samsung or Apple.
Microsoft, the largest software maker in the world, will release a smart watch over several weeks, thus entering on a market where it will compete with Samsung and Apple, and whose value is estimated to reach $ 7.1 billion next year, reports Forbes said on Tuesday .
The new SmartWatch that Microsoft  will present over several weeks continuously monitors the heart rate of the wearer and is compatible with all operating systems available on the market, not just Windows.

Intelligent clock will be equipped with a battery which have autonomy of operation for two days, according to Forbes sources. This feature would provide wearable device produced by Microsoft an advantage over smart watches produced by Samsung and Motorola, Gear and Moto 360, whose batteries have an operating range of about 24 hours.
The device will be available in stores before the holiday season also starts in winter, a time that Apple  target for sales growth this year.In fact, Apple introduced at the beginning of September, Apple Watch, but which can not be bought until early 2015 and starting price will be 349 dollars.
In May, Forbes has published the information that Microsoft is working on creating a smart watch, which will be released the same time as the products competitors Apple, Google and Samsung.Possibility that Microsoft offers customers to use smart watch any operating system access to a greater number of users than Apple Watch, for example, which is only compatible with devices running iOS platform.
Moreover, the company’s management takeover by Satya Nadella this year, Microsoft turned to creating products compatible with all operating systems on the market, not just Windows, as happened under the leadership of his predecessor, Steve Ballmer. The change of strategy was required after changing the market structure, given that Windows smartphones have a market share of just 2.5% worldwide, according to market research company IDC.
In early October, Microsoft introduced the new Windows 10, which will be available for purchase mid next year, and that includes an app store and enhanced security measures.
Also in May, the American company released a larger screen tablet Surface, Surface Pro 3, the device that Microsoft considers a potential replacement for laptops.

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