Google Now Tells You About All the Possible Illnesses You're Suffering
If you’d rather Google the weird thing growing on your hand than go see your friendly neighbourhood healthcare professional, good news: Google is announcing support for a bunch more medical conditions, without having to ever leave search results.
Illnesses have ben part of Google’s Knowledge Graph, the thing that pops up relevant information right into the search results, for a few months now. If you searched for ‘flu-like symptoms’ late this winter to bolster your pulling-a-sickie story, Google was probably right there with you.
Today, Google is announcing support for double the number of illnesses, bringing the total up to 900, including a lovely list of infectious and tropical diseases that will be sure to excite your inner hypocondriac. There’s even an option to print off information in a PDF, so you can persuade yourself you’ve got a brain tumour, without ever leaving the search page.